I lost the reason behind every single emotion,
I witnessed your chaotic motion,
I remember the smile on your mothers face
Seeing you would ace.
I lost my world when yours was shattered,
I was standing on the shore,
With my eyes all wet,
I stood there with your bag filled with shells.
I lost the one thing precious to me,
The one thing I held dear.
You are precious to me even now,
when I’ve lost you forever.
I lost the one thing that mattered the most,
You’re the person, who mattered,
You added beauty in others life,
You did little miracles of kindness.
Maybe, you were his dearest,
He took you a little too soon.
You left me in commotion,
You went beyond the coast,
I lost the one thing that mattered the most.
Let me know what you thought about Lost…
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