So what?
If there’s one Instagram group leak,
Which talks about rape and objectification of women.
So what?
Who’s going to speak about thousands of groups or personal texts shared between such men?
Man or should I say some underaged boy with all the privilege made an infamous group
he called it, “Bois locker room.”
This must have made him feel stronger or more cooler.
Or were the content that was being shared made him feel powerful?
So what?
If few morons were caught this time,
Can you feel how the mentality has spread across?
The soul that has already lost it humanity,
Who can ever save it now?
Will you store rotten fruit?
So what?
News tags them as students, but what are they students off?
Okay, so you tell me that an FIR has been filed and those so-called students are also taken into custody.
But let me ask you, how can the police take control of such a crime?
They are called young adults or should they be addressed as young immature monsters?
And these monsters are also called in for questioning?
So what?
If in a country of 1.3 billion and more,
Such thoughts are wildfire in a dry forest.
One such incident and all are trying to find the guilty one.
One such incident and people start the blame game.
Aren’t we all guilty for letting the fire grow wild in the first place?
So now,
They are also called schoolboys and it’s also been said that they belong to the best schools.
School of lust and greed, can I ask?
What is the point in talking about their schools or standard?
When they have lost all knowledge of respect.
When they have lost all knowledge of Humanity.
So now,
Some among them are minors or are we just letting age be a big factor?
If so, this also means that if you’re a minor then all your crimes are forgiven?
They spoke about rape, raping one of their classmates with such ease.
Was it because they were sure about not getting caught?
Or was it because they are confident about some lawyer finding their way out?
So now,
Blaming all the men when you discuss this; isn’t apt.
All men aren’t the same.
This has been proven time and again.
I have men in my life, men as father figures.
Men as brothers, men as friends and also in fact best friends
Some make sure I reach home safe; some drop me first if I’m late.
Some warn me if I’m I do inappropriate things.
Some help me if I’m feeling uncomfortable.
Some support me in my vague decisions.
Some challenge me to do better.
So what?
If there’s one Instagram group leak,
Aren’t we all going to try and control this?
It’s not the upbringing that should be questioned, but the mindset they dwell on.
So should we glorify one gender and question the other?
Or should we unanimously find a solution?
Let me know what you thought about So what?
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Writer’s Note:
This post has no intention to blame or to corner one gender. Its the writers opinion, as to find a way to stop such shameful incident.
I hope no ones offended as this wasn’t the intention of the writer.Spread Love and Always be kind.
Thank you.